第三卷 第三卷 第396章 百合花开在山野间(8~10)
(文学度 www.wenxuedu.org) 8.I’m A Treee(我是一棵树)I’m a tree, growing in the earth. The roots of my life reach to every part of life, getting all kinds of nutrients and growing day by day, not afraid of any bad weather.
9. Flower in the Fog(雾中花)
I live in the fog. I can’t see others clearly, nor can they see me clearly. Anyhow, I don’t cry, nor do I laugh. I’m thinking deeply.
10.Have a Good Swim(畅游)
Take a bath in a muddy pool, and you’ll go dirtier and dirtier. Go swimming in the sea, and you’ll become stronger and stronger.
Dear friends, why don’t we have a good swim in the sea of knowledge together? Why don’t we fly high in the sky of wisdom together?
在泥塘里洗澡,越洗越脏。在大海里游泳,身强体壮。我们何不在知识的海洋里畅游,在智慧的天空里翱翔?文学度 www.wenxuedu.org